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About Target Income Portfolios

Lower fees, reduced risks and better outcomes.




Fiduciary to glidepath creation and asset allocation

Largest provider of multiple-glidepath target date funds in the industry

Fastest growing target date fund manager with over $36 billion in AUM

Multiple glidepaths allow participants to customize the amount of equity risk they want to assume as retirement nears


Platform Provider


Custom portfolios built on TIAA’s managed account platform

Replaces bond allocations with guaranteed monthly returns from TIAA’s Traditional Annuity

Long-term investors are eligible to receive higher annuity payout rates

Incorporates automatic portfolio adjustments to avoid duplicating legacy annuity balances


Fiduciary to Underlying Fund Selection




Discover Your PATH to Retirement

The Discover Your PATH tool is designed to measure your need to take investment risk, based on your projected savings at retirement. Risk tolerance is a combination of both desire and need to take investment risk. Many investors have an intuitive understanding of their desire to take investment risk, but may need a helping hand to better understand their need to take investment risk. Generally, investors who are on track for retirement can afford to de-risk and invest more conservatively to emphasize stability of their hard earned assets. On the other hand, investors who are behind saving for retirement may need to invest more aggressively to emphasize growth, and/or begin saving more in order to make up for a shortfall of current savings.

Discover Your PATH


Target Income Portfolios Glidepaths

The glidepath needs of all plan participants are addressed with the availability of a conservative, moderate and aggressive glidepath.

After selecting the closest year (2025, 2035, 2045,  2055, or 2065) in which you expect to retire, consider both your comfort with risk as well as the amount of risk needed to accomplish your retirement goals when selecting the most appropriate retirement PATH.